Tag Archives: Emily Blunt

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen film review

Emblematic of a society that becomes so bamboozled with the uncommon, that it runs smack into the wall of being so common it is depressing. The film, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen manages to put a wrinkle in time, flying characters repeatedly back and forth from formal dinners in England to the desert in Yemen, south Saudi Arabia, in a short period of time. That’s a slight exaggeration however anyone who travels knows that no one looks as chipper, cute, well-dressed, and with eyebrows plucked as in this movie.

Harriet and Dr. Alfred Jones, of course, don’t hit it off at the start of the show when they sign up to implement a plan to locate salmon fish to the Yemen, all at the expense of filthy rich (and very good looking) Sheik Mohammed.

However, drama is squeezed in when Harriet’s boyfriend goes missing-in-action in Afghanistan. Harriet spends a week in her apartment, understandably bemoaning the loss yet managing to look as though she really was eating and exercising and bathing.

More drama includes the un-nurtured relationship between Dr. Alfred Jones and his wife. Dr. Alfred Jones is accused of going through a mid-life crisis when he falls in love with Harriet, whom he helped through her crisis.

Throughout all this, Sheik Mohammed reveals an insightful, thoughtful, humanitarian demeanor that can only uplift our views of Arabian men. The Sheik’s monumental effort and faith in accomplishing the impossible by establishing salmon in the Yemen stimulate and reinvigorate Harriet and Jones.

In the end, the boyfriend is found alive and Jones’ wife wants him to come back, but alas Harriet and Jones decide they were meant for one another and leave the boyfriend and wife to move on in life, only to shoot a big hole in the theory of making the impossible possible.

Sure, a few fish survived in the Yemen after problems galore were overcome. But, I feel Harriet and Jones entirely missed the boat and are now dry and bored in the Yemen as they realize they only fell in love with the idea of making the impossible possible. Too bad, they didn’t put it into practice in their personal lives. Staying faithful to our partners is sometimes a matter of making the impossible possible whereas hanging out with some dude who has billions of dollars is not.